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01 Payment Policies
Automatic payments will be processed on the 1st of each month. Filling out the pre-authorization processing form may make automatic tuition payments. Failed transactions incur a $20 failed transaction fee and another $20 if not settled before the 7th of the month. If signed up for the “Finish Course Option” (Until June 2019” ,please know that there is no class withdrawal process. If signed up in the "Flexi-month" Option , you are required to give the studio filled out Drop Form, 30 days before the next month tuition is due in order to discontinue the charges and drop a class. PLEASE FILL OUT the DROP FORM WHEN GIVING NOTICE OF DISCONTINUING CLASSES. Emails or Verbal Notice is not accepted. Forms are to be filled out in person to avoid confusions and any “misdeliveries”. Withdrawal forms not received thirty days (30) prior to the first day of the month when tuitions are to be auto-debited will result in normal charge of tuition fees for that month.
Withdrawing from contracts signed incurs a termination fee amount of $89 (for the kids and teens) or $99 (Adults) multiplied by the number of months remaining in the contract.
A family discount will apply to families with three or more students enrolled in classes as follows:
3rd sibling: $60/month= ($600/year)
Tuition is based on a yearly fee with the option of being divided into ten equal monthly payments ADULTS:($1,250/10 **$990/10 discounted for 10-month program enrollees) KIDS/TEENS: ($990/10 **$890/10 discounted for 10-month program enrollees). Your monthly payment is not related to the number of classes in the month. When you enroll, you register your child/self for an entire season of classes--September through June. With our strict teacher:student ratio, we keep each class to a maximum of 8. We anticipate the student finishing the year therefore turning away new students once class is full. We don't overbook. The number of classes that occur in any given month depends on the calendar and any holidays or breaks that may take place during that month (We follow the LCPS Holiday Calendar). Each month is different. Depending on the day of the week that your child is enrolled. TUITION IS NOT PRORATED DUE TO ABSENCES, WEATHER, OR SCHEDULED CLOSINGS.
02 Make-up Classes
Because of the strict student to teacher ratio, we are only able to makeup up to three (3) missed classes for the students enrolled for the "yearlong" due to sickness and family emergencies. Make -up classes to be given at the end of the schoolyear). If the studio has to cancel classes for personal reasons, and a substitute is not available, we will credit/refund you back for the missed classes.
03 General Fees
One time per year registration fee of $50 per student or a maximum of $125 per family due upon registration. For the "month to month" enrollees, First month tuition and registration fees are due upon registration. First month and registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Switching of schedule is allowed until October 31, 2018 to accommodate changes on other afterschool activities of the student (sports, etc). Changing beyond the said date incurs a $75 to cover revenue loss from reserving the supposed chosen class for the entire year. *Changing Day/Time also forfeits all supposed make up classes.
Private Lessons are available upon request. Please refer to our "Classes" page under the "Sewing" tab.
04 Arrival and Departure Time
Students should arrive NO earlier than 5 minutes prior to their scheduled class times. Parents are expected to pick up their child/children promptly. The studio will not be responsible for students once their class is dismissed. However, parents are expected to come in when picking them up. We are not comfortable with children going out the front door by themselves.
Each class is only one hour long. Bathroom breaks disrupts the entire class. We ask that the students come prepared to learn and sew for the entire hour without bathroom breaks. Of course, when needed they still can go to the restroom for that matter.
05 Due Projects
List of materials needed for projects will be given when a student is nearly done with the projects they are working on. However, it is still the student’s responsibility to call the teacher’s attention if a new project is almost due. We ask that Parents support this policy to encourage children to be responsible and prepared.
All students must be prepared for every class with their workbook, patterns, and all project materials (fabric, notions, including thread).
For Kids & Teens---- Due to a number of families purchasing materials at the studio, we now require a starting "GIFT CARD" allowance of $30.00 for every child. Please call studio to set-up- 703.375.9739
The fabulous range of fabrics and notions at the studio, are available at yours and/or your child's leisure to purchase. During class, you and/or your child may get fabric and/or notions to produce their projects ONLY with your blessing. The fabrics/notions will then be noted and later and an invoice will be sent to you. If the account is not dealt within 7 days after receiving the invoice, please know that your account on file will be charged.
06 Class Observations and Fashion Shows
Parents are discouraged to sit and watch their children sew. The sewing and cutting areas are off limits to NON-students during class. Roaming around these areas during class disturbs the other students and makes the kids nervous around the sewing machines. We will schedule a “parents observation day” during the year and you will be notified. NO EXCEPTION. Children were accepted in the program because they are expected to be independent. If you feel that you need to be in the same room as your child, perhaps he or she is not ready yet.
Students are given the opportunity to “walk the runway” at the end of the school year to show off their creativity in their projects. Date and Location will be announced at a later date.
07 Inclement Weather
For the safety of everyone, in case of inclement weather, please call the studio or check at our website or our Facebook Page: Facebook.com/SewMagarbo for cancellations.
We follow the LCPS Closures.
The studio does not pro-rate tuition nor makes up for weather cancellations.
08 Photography for Website and Social Media
Photos may be taken of your child during sewing classes, camps, and workshops. The photos with child's first name may be used for promotional purposes on The Sew Magarbo's website or social networks. You must agree to the photography of your child for its usage as indicated, which may include but not limited to brochures, print ads, and web sites. All photos are property of the Sew Magarbo.